Magazine cover finals

These are my final 3 magazine covers. Overall I think that they do the job and evoke the word given for each one, particularly the irrational behaviour and inspirational. The GQ one I feel I could of come up with a different idea as apposed to the camera and photography thing as I now feel it might throw people off and confuse them as to what the image is about.

The overall look of the final 3 I am happy with my best two I feel are the GQ and BJP one and I think this because they were both shot in a professional environment where as the guardian weekend wasn’t and had more floors in post editing as apposed to the other two.

In editing I did have to extend the background of both the GQ and BJP in order for them to fit the template well.

Overall they are a good set of images that fit the purpose well and do the job. If I were to go back and change the way I went about this module it would be to come up with a better idea for the GQ without the need of a prop to get a message across, not have rushed the location and way I shot the irrational behaviour shot so probably next one be more organised and plan my shoot well ahead instead of last minute that way I will get better quality images and finally if I am to shoot for a magazine or anything or the sort again think about positioning of the model to fit the text but other than those three points I am proud of these final images and definitely think I have improved and have learned a lot about working for something in photography with standards that I need to meet as I feel I have done that well.

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