Conclusion of the module

To conclude the module as a whole I feel I have learned a lot and have improved my skills drastically for the good. In my opinion this module was like jumping into the deep end and learning about trial and error with being forced to have a strategic plan for a book or magazine cover has made me see photography in a different light that I never saw before. I now look at images and think about ways in which an image could of been achieved as apposed to just looking at something that may look nice on the surface but not really thinking any further. When I photographed for this module it really made me think about what and how I will achieve as I do feel I fell down a spiral of pointing and shooting without thinking I mean this by before I used to have an initial idea or image on my head of what I wanted to create but always ended up with something that was sometimes completely different to what I first imagined but now I have learned that is because I probably didn’t think strategically enough as to how I would achieve a particular goal because although photography is an art and is about my creative thoughts I also need to think realistically and use all equipment and ideas in a strategic way that will create what I want.

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